Paul Gaudlip, President

Officer James Karashowsky, Fire Chief

The Hooversville Volunteer Department is always looking to grow the family.  If you or someone you know is looking to join, or dedicate some time to help us, we are always welcoming new members.  We understand that not everyone is interested in becoming a "Fire Fighter" because it does take a lot of commitment and training hours, but we also need people to help with fundraising.  Fundraising is a very important part of what we do to maintain and purchase equipment to help serve the community better.  So please if you are able to help, go to our website and click on the "contact" button, then click on "become a member" and print off the "Membership Application" and just fill it out.  Bring it to a monthly meeting (First Tuesday of every month) or get it to a fire department member or officer.  We dedicate ourselves and lives to protect you and our wonderful little community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.  It doesn't matter if it's 3 o'clock in the morning on Christmas day, and you have an emergency...we will be there! Hope you can join our family.  Also, remember to check your smoke alarm batteries and carbon monoxide detector batteries.  Should you need either device, Please contact us as we still have some of charge. 

Fundraising Events

Sub Sales are held the last Saturday of the month.  The last sub sale of the year is October 28th.